About us

We are a small collaborative partnership in the field of sport comprised of 4 organizations from Catalonia, Belgium, Italy and Slovenia.

Logo Grup FRN Grup Fundació Ramon Noguera (Catalonia)

More than 50 years working to guarantee the rights of people with intellectual disabilities, to improve their quality of life, and that of their families, as well as that of children who have difficulties in their development, in order to contribute to the creation of a more supportive/caring and inclusive society.

GFRN is working on sports and leisure activities, as well as on a physical activity and health program. Both are support programs intended to promote interests and needs of people with intellectual disabililites.

APGA PAPA logo Physical Activity Promotion Agency (Slovenia)

APGA is a private institution founded in 2012. It is located in Koroska region in Slovenia, population 70.000. Their main interest comprises an area of physical activity involving all target groups with an emphasis of the use of worksite as a basic environment of delivery.

Their objectives are:

  • To promote physical activity and heathy lifestyle habit
  • To promote intercultural communication
  • To support gender equality, social inclusion and equal opportunities
  • To strengthen sustainable development and solidarity
  • To develop networks and links at local, national and international levels
  • To sustain national and international cooperation
  • To enhance the role and engagement of businesses on health and physical activity issues

Rotonde_logo_RGB ROTONDE (Belgium)

Rotonde VZW is an organization that takes care of people with intellectual disabilities  using the 8 Quality Of Life (QOL) domains (i.e. emotional well-being, interpersonal relations, material well-being, personal development, physical well-being, self-determination, social inclusion and rights). Rotonde offers housing, daycare and individual support. Rotonde has different locations in several villages all with its specific identification. For all this settings Rotonde has a paramedic team including therapists, sports, leisure and education/training. Rotonde’s main goal is to coach people in their life and participation in society. On the one hand, searching for social inclusion through sports, work (social economy) and leisure. On the other, coaching of their self-esteem, self- reliance and independence.

Rotonde has 40 years of experience in searching a way of healthy and an inclusive way of live for people with intellectual disabilities. Sport is one of its core tasks since 35 years: its expertise started with an experienced physiotherapist with lots of competence. At this moment there are 8 physiotherapists, 1 sports coordinator and 1 coordinator of leisure. All kind of sports, events, sport vacations are already organized with a lot of success. Rotonde also encourages volunteers and schools to collaborate with them.

logo P85 verde Primavera ’85 Cooperativa Sociale (Italy)

Primavera 85 is a SME, a social cooperative pursuing the general interest of the community, promoting human and social integration through the management of social and health services, education, training in collaboration with other local SMEs and public authorities.

It deals mainly with social, educational and care services for people with disabilities (i.e. with autism, mental-physicial disabilities, learning difficulties).

In 2015 Primavera 85 started to work also on accessible tourism field. They launched a project of accessible cycling tourism “Bericando” in collaboration with the Regione, (Industry and Artigianato Department), Coldiretti Vicenza and Confcooperative Veneto, which represents an integrated offer in terms of sustainable tourism: accessible solution to enjoy nature, sport, food and culture. On March 2015, the cooperative has been accreditated as tour operator, “SVAGA” for accessible tourism in cooperation and with the supervision of the National Sustainable Tourism Operator Jonas Vacanze Eco-logiche. In the same vain ATTIMO (Accessible Transnational Thematic itineraries and InterMOdality) combines the idea of outdoor activities for all and cultural heritage tourism. Its main aim is developing cultural and leisure itineraries, focusing on accessibility and intermodality.


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